Project Caverna is a creative media literacy laboratory. We find different ways to approach and contextualize the problems of current media environment: disinformation, disbelief, and demonization of democracy.
We believe that curiosity is the main ingredient in learning. Therefore, we aim to awaken the curiosity of people through experimental [documentaries], and [education] where journalism, science, and art meet.
Through transdisciplinary actions and international collaboration, we aim to contribute to a healthier social debate, and to inspire conscious and critical individuals, that are concerned about the problems of their time.
Want to know more how we can help you with divulgation and educational activities?
Give us a heads-up and [contact] us.

We are passionate about making experimental documentaries around complex, multifaceted topics. Our audiovisual pieces are the fruit of our exploration. We try new narrative forms, combine experimental storytelling and editing with traditional documentary styles, and sometimes consciously play with the limits of truth and false.
Our expertise lies in translating scientific information into common language. We believe that everyone should have easy access to complex information that is communicated in a constructive, easily understandable way. Yet, we believe that we have a huge capacity of understanding challenging phenomenon if we have the motivation to do so. Our documentaries aim to awaken the curiosity of the viewer and challenge their position from a passive viewer to an active one.

We arrange workshops for public of different ages and create educational material for teachers and educators.
We aim to build a clear image of the problem and encourage to analyse the situation from a critical standpoint. Being familiar with the strategies through which we are manipulated is a great way to learn how to manage in this hyper-digitalized scenario.
Through artistic creation, we make visible the problems that misinformation generates in our society. We try to stimulate a collective debate with the aim of finding a common language where all people can contribute to defining and understanding the bigger image of the problem.
It is impossible to ‘become aware’ if we remain oblivious to the problems surrounding us. We combine theory and practice by doing activities that challenge our own cognition: Are we really able to see all faces of the reality or is it due to our filters -personal and algorithmic- that we are leaving a part of reality unseen? These filters are different from person to person. Our environment, people around us, and our status in the society can affect how we see the reality. Why not try to see the world through a different filter?
We understand that the priority of our society is to recover common spaces. We must renounce the demonization of the other to construct a plural public space, regardless of populism. It is important to reflect together to find virtues and values on which we can build a better society.
Project Caverna works with the idea of helping to train better people in general. People that are awake, interested and involved in the issues and problems of their time.
With our laboratory, we try to offer an alternative to restlessness and disbelief through the use of different educational strategies and different disciplines. We must recover genuine creativity, dialogue, and understand that there are more things that unite us than there are ones that separate us. Let’s start from here.
Project Caverna started from Uutisraivaaja Media Innovation Challenge 2021 organized by Helsingin Sanomat Foundation (FIN). We are a team of two people:
Tiiu is a versatile professional in media & design. After graduating from MA in Arts at Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (SPAIN), she focuses on Service Design, UI & UX, and audiovisual production.
Cristóbal is a Spanish journalist and documentalist. After his studies in Philosophy at the University of Murcia (SPAIN), he focuses on analyzing the social meaning and context of journalism.